
Bare bone description of the nodes. This can be used by a VSE/VEP to parse the .graph fields. All graphs are composed out of these nodes.

 "name": "Number",
 "uuid": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
 "input": [],
 "output": []
namestringName of node
uuidstringUniversally Unique Identifier
inputArrayList of Inputs

Details: input/output

"name": "num",
"pretty_name": "Number",
"type": "number",
"control": {},
"read_only": false,
"default_value": null,
"ref": false
namestringName of Input/Output
pretty_namestringDisplay Name
typestringValid type name of .types array
controlobjectDescribes the Input/Outputs control: e.g. Input Text box (Just a suggestion)
read_onlybooleanIs this input/output a read only type? (subject to change: e.g. const)
default_valueanyDefault Value: `boolean
refbooleanIs this value a reference (subject to change)

Reference type is only supported if the VM settings allow this. Also read_only might be implcit and one needs to specifically state that a input/output can be written to. This will be subject to change and only avalilbe for reference types since all wires are in general const and not mutable.

Control Specifications

Can be ignored by the editor since the editor is implementation defined. This is just a method for the VM to provide suggestions or extra information.

General Overview

    "type": "select",
    "items": [
    "options": [
typestringType name of the control. The VM comes with build in: number,text,checkbox,select,color,vec2-4,mat4
itemsArrayImplementation defined
optionsArrayImplementation defined